Once he was favored by the government in Rwanda, but a YouTube-video turned him into a problem. Now he was found dead in his cell. Read the full article in German here https://taz.de/…
Read moreRwanda – the long path to reconciliation
The Genocide claimed the lives of nearly a million people within not more than 100 days. Radical Tutsi agitated their own people to kill the minority Tutsi… See the full documentary in German here: Weltspiegel-Reportage | Das Erste
Read moreRwanda: The „Bauhaus“ of Africa
How to plan a city, in which more and more people move from the countryside? At the African Design Center Christian Benimana is training young designers and city developers. Not only houses are needed. Development of the infrastructure also plays
Read more(Deutsch) Ruanda: Frauen im Parlament
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Read more(Deutsch) Sauberster Staat Afrikas: Ruanda
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Read more(Deutsch) Das Versagen der UN in Ruanda
Lieutenant-General The Honourable Roméo Antonius Dallaire, OC, CMM, GOQ, MSC, CD (born June 25, 1946) is a Canadian humanitarian, author, statesman and retired senator and general. Dallaire served as Force Commander of UNAMIR, the ill-fated United Nations peacekeeping force for
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